Share “” on Facebook

Anyone tried sharing “” (with the “.my”) as a link on your facebook? Well, I tried and I would like to report something weird about it. Share “” on Facebook

I believe I don’t have to elaborate more on what is Google or what is facebook, so, I will straight to the point. If you share “” as a link on your facebook, you will have a Google posted on your facebook’s wall. It is nothing weird about this one, but the weird part is if you click on the Google posted on your facebook’s wall, then you will get a search result page for the keyword “sex”.

For the more detail step by step, please watch the video:

One thing to take care while trying it is to make sure that you are sharing “” (with the “.my”, if you are sharing “” you will get only a normal Google page). And like what I say in the video, I am quite sure that Google or facebook will going to fix this error, so, I do not guarantee that you will get the same result as what you see in the video. For your information, this video is the screen capture taken from my laptop running Windows 7, Google Chrome, and the date today is 31 Oct 2010, around 5++pm (GMT+8).

Have a try!

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