Get the gender of your PC

Received a step-by-step guide from a friend, about how to find out the gender of your PC. It is quite interesting, and I decide to share it here, and hope you can have atry.

So, the first step is to open “Notepad” from start menu, Start > All Programs > Accessories > Notepad.

image Now, paste the following text to the notepad: CreateObject(“SAPI.SpVoice”).Speak”I Love You”


On the Notepad, click File > Save As, and save the Notepad file with filename: “iloveyou.vbs” (please include the quotation marks in the File name to prevent notepad from saving it to “iloveyou.vbs.txt” instead of “iloveyou.vbs”).

image Wherever you save the file (I save it on desktop), you should see an the iloveyou.vbs file with the icon of VBS file. If you see a notepad icon for the file, you might need to re-save the file as “iloveyou.vbs” (with the quotation mark “”).imageNow, double click on the file to run it, and you should hear your PC saying “I Love You”. So, if it is a female voice, it means that your PC is a female, and if it is male voice, your PC is male. My PC is a female….

The whole step-by-step guide is actually guiding you to create a VBS file (Visual Basic Script) which is an Active Scripting language developed by Microsoft that is modelled on Visual Basic. For the detail about VBS, you can proceed your reading here. I would not go in detail about the scripting, but basically the script that is being copied to the notepad is actually commanding the PC to perform a text to voice operation, so, the PC will “speak” out whatever the text being inserted. And for your information, there is a default voice for your PC, it is under Text to Speech at Control Panel.

Window XP:

Go to Control Panel and click Switch to Classic View.

image Now, double click on “Speech”.

image You are opening a Speech Properties where you can see the Voice Selection, in this case “Microsoft Sam” (male voice), you can click on Preview Voice to let the Microsoft Sam to “speak” out the text, and you can also adjust the speed of the voice.


Window 7 or Vista:

Go to Control panel and click View by: Large icons.

image Now, find an icon called Speech Recognition and click on that icon.

image Click Text to Speech on the left sidebar.

image You are opening a Speech Properties where you can see the Voice Selection, in this case “Microsoft Anna” (female voice), you can click on Preview Voice to let the Microsoft Anna to “speak” out the text, and you can also adjust the speed of the voice.



So, the voice selection under Speech Properties is the key that determine the gender of your PC, if your PC is using Microsoft Sam, then you should hear a male voice’s “I Love You” or maybe your PC is using Microsoft Anna, then you should hear a female voice’s “I Love You”.

For most of the PC, you will only have one Voice selection option, but you can always install extra voice for your PC. For the extra voice, you will need to purchase, and one of the place you can purchase voices is

You can try to edit the vbs file, to make it speak maybe other text instead of “I Love You” by right click on the file and click Edit.

imageIt should open up a Notepad and you should see the text you copy previously. Now, change the text “I Love You” to anything you want the computer to speak and click save.image I have change the text to “Hello, how are you today?”, and if you reopen the iloveyou.vbs file now, you should hear the voice saying “Hello, how are you today?”.

One nice thing about the vbs is you can write down what you want to speak to your friend to the vbs file and maybe rename the file to DoubleClickMe.vbs and send it to your friend, let them “listen” to what you want to say. Please take note that vbs file is sometimes being use to seperate virus and some email provider or same chat program might consider it as virus. You might need to pass the file to your friend using a pendrive or you can try to zip that file before you send it.

Have a try!

Update 30 July 2010

To send out “.vbs” file through email, simply rename the “.vbs” file to some other file extension like “.aaa” and send out the file. Then you need to ask your friend to rename the “.aaa” file back to “.vbs” file. Please refer to the article for more detail.

14 thoughts on “Get the gender of your PC”

  1. By this code we can also get the Name of Voice owner
    Set VObj = CreateObject(“SAPI.SpVoice”)
    with VObj
    Set .voice = .getvoices.item(0)
    .Volume = 100
    .Rate = 1
    end with

    Set VObj = CreateObject(“SAPI.SpVoice”)
    For Each Voice In VObj.getvoices
    I = I + 1
    msgbox “Hello I am ” & Voice.GetDescription & ” and Nice to meet you”

    For count=0 to 1
    vobj.Speak”bye bye!”

  2. Do you know the gender of your computer? I think No so read this article to find How to find your computer gender male or female let’s find out…


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