I bought a new Scientific Calculator, Casio fx-570ES. You can click on the link above for more information about the calculator. Previously I am using Casio fx-570MS until recently I left my calculator at my hometown. The function for both of them are similar, and I am being told that the newer fx-570ES support more calculation function/feature which are not available in the older model. The one on the left is fx-570MS, (belongs to my housemate) and the one on the right is my new fx-570ES.

Normal functionality of the new calculator doesn’t give much problem to me, location of the keys similar to the new one. One thing that really bugs me on the new calculator is they remove the number prefix (like milli, nano, pico, Mega, Kilo, …) on the new calculator, and they change the combination of the SHIFT + Number to other functions. I will say I rely a lot on this function on my previous Scientific Calculator for the calculation of timing in my coding work.
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