BustATECH Google Chrome Theme


I have created a BustATECH Google Chrome Theme, mostly based on the colour arrangement of www.bustatech.com. For the complete Theme Creation Guide, click on the link above. The screenshot of BustATECH Google Chrome Theme.


I took around half day to learn on how to create a Google Chrome Theme, editing images, and finally its done. I will say it is quite simple.Simply follows the instruction from the Theme Creation Guide and you will have your customized theme. For those who likes this theme or want to try out this theme, please get the theme from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hnohflgafpephcmdnnghnhappjbdfbko. Open the link using Google Chrome, and click the Add to Chrome button. It takes few seconds to download and your Google Chrome theme will automatically switched to Bustatech theme.


Opening www.bustatech.com under Google Chrome with the BustATECH Google Chrome Theme installed, you will have same theme for both the page and Google Chrome:


Remember to rate the theme if you like it, and you can leave comments on what you think about the theme.

5 thoughts on “BustATECH Google Chrome Theme”

  1. I have downloaded your chrome theme but have speed dial installed so don’t get to see the background image you get with the theme. so if they is anyway you could up load a copy of it or is they any where you have this background image on line so as to give access to it that would be great. I have had a read at your blog and think its great, its a good read and keeps you interested keep up the good work.

  2. Hi
    I have recently downloaded your theme for google chrome but I use speed dial and don’t get the background image which I think would make it much better, if they is any where you have this or anywhere online I can download it from that would be great thanks.

    I have read through some of your post and like what I see and will keep an eye out for new posts, keep up the good work.


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